Single Payment Gift - Untracked Solicitation
Represented by one Gift Transaction
- Not solicited specifically - could have been part of a larger marketing effort
- Not scheduled
- No previous commitment
- Could be an online donation
- Could be cash/check/charge received one-time through mail/in-person
Not using Opportunity or Gift Commitment because:
- Tracking solicitation is not necessary
- This gift is not part of a multi-payment commitment
- Not promised ahead of time (or this promise does not need to be tracked)
Prerequisites for Salesforce Admin:
- Required
- NPC Fundraising setup must be completed
- Basic setup
- Fundraising setup is needed to account for Industry Common Components
- Person Accounts must be configured
- Set up Default Designation
- NPC Fundraising setup must be completed
- Optional
- Set Up Gift Entry
- Determine naming convention for Campaigns, and set up corresponding automation
- Determine naming convention for Gift Transactions, and set up corresponding automation (Note that Gift Entry does apply a default naming convention)
- Review Payment Method picklist values and remove/add if required (IMPORTANT: As of June 2024, it is not possible to add values to Payment Method without errors - subscribe to this known issue to get updates.)
- Set up Source Codes
- Remove “New” button for Gift Transactions if your organization is only allowing creation through Gift Entry.
Prerequisites for End User:
- Optional
- Create Person/Business Account for the donor before creating Gift Transaction
- Create Campaign
- Create Designation
- Create Outreach Source Code
Best Practices:
- Use Status field on Gift Transaction to track whether payment was successful
- For online gifts that come in that should be related to a stewarded Gift Commitment, populate the lookup on the Gift Transaction
- Set appropriate required fields on Gift Transaction (Note that Amount and Payment Method are required by default)
- Using the Gift Entry option for entering gifts is recommended
How to enter the gift via Gift Entry (recommended):
- Gift Entry (same experience for batch vs. single gift)
- Still need to track details that are found in Gift Entry (e.g. designation)
- Cannot add Gift Entry to batch if it has been processed (Status = success)
- Can create donor records from this screen
- Can add a link to Gift Commitment
- If Gift Commitment exists for that donor, will list them
- Gives options for
- Link to Gift Commitment
- Add Soft Credits
- If you open Designation Information or Soft Credit Information and realize you don’t need them, you can delete those lines
- Auto-naming in place
- {Donor}-{Amount}-{Date} [test date format for locales]
How to enter the gift (without Gift Entry):
- Create a new Gift Transaction record (standard record creation)
- Auto-naming is not out-of-the-box