Upgrades and Downgrades for Recurring Gift Commitments


Represented by changes in the recurring gift record, including updated amounts and payment schedules. Additionally, a change history log tracks modifications, providing transparency and maintaining donor communication. See Upgrade or Downgrade a Recurring Gift Commitment on Salesforce Help for more.

Upgrades for Recurring Gifts: This refers to the process of increasing the amount, frequency, or duration of a donor’s recurring gift. An upgrade indicates that a donor is willing to contribute more to support the organisation, reflecting increased engagement or capacity.

Downgrades for Recurring Gifts: This involves reducing the amount, frequency, or duration of a donor’s recurring gift.


  1. Upgrade of Recurring Gift: Scenario : A donor is currently contributing $50 monthly to your organisation.
    • Current Recurring Gift: $50/month
    • Upgrade: Jane decides to increase her contribution to $75/month.
    • Action:
      • Locate Jane’s recurring gift record in Salesforce.
      • Click on the Upgrade/Downgrade action button in the upper right corner of the page.
      • Select the corresponding Gift Commitment Schedule - make sure it is the active one if there is more than one.
      • Follow the wizard and update the amount to the new higher amount as well as the Effective Start Date for the upgraded donation.
      • Click Continue and Save.
      • Notify donor via email, thanking her for her increased support and confirming the new contribution amount.
  2. Downgrade of Recurring Gift: Scenario: Another donor has been contributing $100 quarterly but needs to reduce his commitment.
    • Current Recurring Gift: $100/quarter
    • Downgrade: John requests to change his contribution to $75/quarter.
    • Action
      • Find John’s recurring gift records in Salesforce.
      • Follow the same process as you did above for upgrading a donation, this time lowering the amount.
      • Reach out to donor, expressing gratitude for his continued support.

Note that with Nonprofit Cloud, you also have action buttons to Pause and Resume a Gift Commitment for cases where a donor needs to temporarily suspend their giving.

Prerequisites for Salesforce Admin:

Prerequisites for End User:

Best Practices: