Creating a Basic Event


The first step in setting up a brand new event is to create a Summit Event record and an Event Instance record. Summit Events are parent records to Summit Event Instance records. You cannot have a Summit Event instance without it being tied to a parent Summit Event record. Summit Event instance records inherit much of the information from the parent Summit Event record. This document covers the fields needed when creating a basic event.

Create the Event

Navigate to the Summit Events Application in the App Selector.


Navigate to the Summit Event tab and click on New.


Fill out the following fields on the Summit Event record. Many of the fields listed below are not required but drive functionality and appear on the registration page.

Summit EventEvent LabelEvent DetailsThe Salesforce Record Name, should be populated otherwise will default to the record ID
Summit EventEvent NameEvent DetailsName of the Event is the title on the registration page.
Summit EventEvent StatusEvent DetailsIf the status on the Event is Active, it will show in the Community Base URL calendar.
Summit EventTemplateEvent DetailsCreates the page style
Summit EventEvent DescriptionEvent DetailsUsed for a short description on the registration page.
Summit EventEvent Confirmation TitlePage DetailsTitle on the confirmation page after the registration was submitted.
Summit EventEvent Confirmation DescriptionPage DetailsAdditional details on the confirmation page.

Registration Event Details Tab

Registration Event Details Tab 2 Registration Event Page Details Tab

Save Summit Event record.

Navigate to the Summit Event Instance Related List on the Event record and create a New Summit Event Instance.


Fill out the following fields on the Summit Event Instance record. Many of the fields listed below are not required but drive functionality and appear on the registration page.

Summit Events InstanceInstance TitleInstance title appears under the Event Title on the Registration page
Summit Events InstanceActive StatusInstance needs to be “Active” for registration fields to be available.
Summit Events InstanceEventEvent to which this Instance is related.
Summit Events InstanceCapacity ControlCapacity field needs to be greater than 1 in order to see the registration fields and create a registration record.
Summit Events InstanceInstance Start DateNeeds to be in the future or possibly day of to register.
Summit Events InstanceInstance Start TimeTime Event is starting, appears on the registration page.
Summit Events InstanceInstance End DateEnd Date appears on the registration page
Summit Events InstanceInstance End TimeEnd Time appears on the registration page.


Save Summit Event Instance record.

Review the Basic Event

On the newly created Event Instance record, click the Register link under the Registration Link in the record heading.

Navigate to the registration page and confirm registration fields are displaying and editable.

Congratulations, you’ve just created a basic event!

Create a Confirmation Email for your Event

Additional Features

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The best place to ask questions or troubleshoot the Summit Events App is by posting your questions in the Commons Project: Summit Events App Salesforce Trailblazer Community . There you can ask questions, share your experiences, and help others!

Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? Please submit an issue on our GitHub repository .