Adding reCAPTCHA to an Event Page

Step-by-Step Guide

The Issue:

Your event registrations are being “taken” by bots.

The Resolution:

Add Goolgle reCAPTCHA to your event registration page to ensure the people signing up for your event are actual people and not bots.

STEP 1: Get reCAPTCHA Keys from Google

  • Go to Google ReCAPTCHA
    • Note: ReCAPTCHA is based on your Google account. You need a Google account in order to enable this for your Salesforce org.
  • Enter a label and leave score-based (v3) checked.
    • Note: This is the most advanced version confirming that you are not a bot that doesn’t require the user to do anything. If ReCAPTCHA v3 is active, it evaluates all the information it can get about that person: IP address, where they are coming from and several other environmental variables of which the user is not necessarily aware. Google then compares that information to its database and gives you a score of 0-1. The higher the score, the more likely you are to be a real person.
  • Add your registration domain. It is likely “”
    • Note: If you set up this as an Experience site, the domain would be different.
  • Name your Project, then click “Submit.”

Congratulations, you now have your new keys! Leave this tab open and go back to your Salesforce org. Now we have to use those keys to let Google talk to Salesforce.

STEP 2: Add reCAPTCHA keys to your Custom Settings

  • Keep Google open in one tab.
  • Go to your org and go to Setup > Custom Settings
    • Summit Events Settings > Manage > Edit
  • Populate the “reCAPTCHA Site Key” field with the “Site Key” from your Google tab.
  • Populate the “reCAPTCHA Secret Key” field with the “Secret Key” from your Google tab.
  • Populate the “reCAPTCHA v3 Score” field with a value between “0” and “1.”
    • The lower the score, the more likely a user is a bot.
    • We recommend starting with “0.5” and adjust from there, as necessary.
  • Click “Save.”

STEP 3: Add Google Data to Remote Site Settings

In your Salesforce Org

  • Setup > Remote Site Settings
  • Click “New Remote Site”
  • Populate the following fields as below:
    • “Remote Site Name” = Google_reCaptcha
    • “Remote Site URL” =
    • “Description” = This is the reCaptcha site.
    • “Active” = true
  • Click “Save”

STEP 4: Populate reCAPTCHA fields on your Event record

  • In the Summit Events App, find your event and click on the “Add’l Configuration & Options” tab.
  • Populate the two reCAPTCHA fields
  • “reCAPTCHA”
  • “reCAPTCHA v3 Score Fail Text”

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 1 05 03 PM

STEP 5: Test

In the Summit Events App:

  • Go to your Summit Events Instance record related to this Summit Events record.
  • Click on the “Register” link found on the Instance record. This will bring you to the Instance’s Event Registration page.
  • Register for your event.
  • Verify your guest is registered by reviewing the Summit Event Registration records for the chosen Instance.

In the Summit Event Registration record, near the bottom of the page layout, you’ll find the field “reCAPTCHA Score.”

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 2 13 30 PM

SUCCESS! You have now added reCAPTCHA to your Event Registration page!

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