Analytics Utilizing UTM Parameters

Events invitations are shared in a variety of ways and marketers are wanting to understand the paths taken to get to an event link to measure ROI through their various campaigns. Google Analyitics will aggregate much of the data with the appropriate configuration to understand volume, traffic and campaign related information. With Summit Events, additional fields can be leveraged to support campaign analytics surfacing values onto the registration record for more granular analytics in Salesforce to understand the registrats path to registering.

Fields Utilized for Google Tag Manager

On the Summit Events Record, the Event Manager can set values on the below fields to be utilized in Google Tag Manager (GTM). When utizling GTM, the value on these fields should populate for additional segementation and analytics with Google Analytics. The following fields are utilized as a part of the data layer and the Google Tag Manager code will need to be in your custom template.

  • Account
  • Audience
  • Event label
  • Category
  • Sponsor

Leveraging UTMs

When utilizing Google Analtics (GA) for campaign analytics, Summit Events captures the UTM values on the Event Registration record. While GA will capture the aggregate data appropraitely, Summit Events will identify the values to each individual. The following parameters from the URL are captured on the registration record in Summit Events:

  • utm_source
  • utm_medium
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_content
  • utm_term
  • gclid
  • utm_id
  • utm_source_platform
  • utm_creative_format
  • utm_marketing_tactic

The definition for each of these parameters can be found here.

Expectations and Walk-Through

Below is an example of how this may look, only looking at Summit Events and the experience inside of Salesforce. For more information about Google Analytics and collecting Campaign Analytics, please refer to their documentation.

To test this, utilize Google’s Demo and Tools Campaign URL Builder.

  • Start by creating an Event and an Event Instance.
  • Capture the URL form the Register link and input into the Campaign URL Builder.


  • The URL will generate and you can use that to start a new registration.


  • Complete the registration process. The utm are recorded when the registrant hits the Submit or Next on the first page. If there are additional pages associated to the registration, once they pass the first page, the URL removes the parameters in the URL and the values are captured on the registration record, which will be in a started status until the registrant hits “Submit”.
  • Initial Page:

    GA Summit Events

  • Second Page after “Next”:

    GA Summit Events 2

  • Registration Record in a “Started” status:


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