October 2023 - In-Person Chicago Sprint
The Salesforce.org Commons Program Sprint hosted a virtual sprint and the Summit Events team was represented well with many new individuals engaging in the project!
A major THANK YOU to the contirubtors of the sprint for their dedication and time to continuing to make Summit Events a meaningful community application. We are excited with the progress made and look forward to taking action on the outcomes outlined below.
Project Team
Thank you to the volunteers who contributed and engaged during this sprint!
- Team Leader(s): Thad Dahlberg, Mike Walter, Ryan Blake
- GitHub Scribe(s): Ryan Blake
- List of all Contributors:
Project Resources
- Github Doc Resource Page
- Front-end User Documentation Site
- Intro Deck and Market Plan Slides
- Google Docs
- Scratch Orgs with Metecho
Project Theme & Goals
- Theme: Sample Data Design
- Primary Goal: Create Sample Events for Learning, Training and understanding of capabilities
- Tasks:
- Brainstorm various industry event experiences for training, testing and sample starter data
- Create wireframes of examples, thinking creatively about the registrant experience
- Create the event in SEA (no prior experience needed) and capture it in a repo.
Project Team Accomplishments
- Documented a list of potential events to build Sample data
- Created and build sample events by 8 users, 5 of which were entirely new to Summit Events
- Scraped all Scratch orgs and captured data into a single repository
- Trained and Evangalized new Summit Events Users
- Talked through creating a sample template and leveraging other technology to customize the user experience.
Future Contributions (AKA what was unable to be finish at the Sprint)
- Create the single data load file to be a part of Scratch orgs.
- Release to the AppExchange
- Document and capture gaps where “Events to be created” for sample data need some additional functionality to work
Team Needs:
- need-developers
- need-doc-writers
- need-qa-testers
- need-general-volunteers
- need-social-media-engagement