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Summit Events Object to the Event Registration Object Mappings.

This page is intended to capture and articulate what happens when something is input on the Event Object and where it maps to on the Event Registration Object.

Standard Questions to Registration Mapping

Event Object FieldRegistration Object FieldNotes
First NameRegistrant First Name 
Last NameRegistrant Last Name 
EmailRegistrant Email 
Ask Applicant TypeRegistrant Applicant Type 
Ask Company/OrganizationRegistrant Company/Organization 
Ask Date Of BirthRegistrant Date of Birth 
Ask GenderRegistrant Gender 
Ask Last Name As StudentLast Name as Student 
Ask Mailing AddressRegistrant Street 1will map based on address input appropriately
 Registrant Street 2 
 Registrant City 
 Registrant State 
 Registrant State/ProvinceInternational selection
 Registrant Zip 
 Registrant Postal CodeInternational selection
Ask PhoneRegistrant Phone 
 Registrant Mobile Phoneif Mobile is Selected
 Registrant Receive Textsif Mobile is Selected
Ask Preferred Class YearPreferred Class Year 
Ask Preferred First NameRegistrant Preferred First Name 
Ask PronounsRegistrant Pronouns 
Ask Relationship To InstitutionRelationship To Institution 
Ask Third Party RegistrantRegistrant Other First Name 
 Registrant Other Last Name 
 Registrant Other Email 
 Registrant Other Phone 
 Registrant Other Relationship 
 Registrant Parent First Nameif parent/guardian is selected
 Registrant Parent Last Nameif parent/guardian is selected
 Registrant Parent Emailif parent/guardian is selected
 Registrant Parent Phoneif parent/guardian is selected
Ask TitleRegistrant Title 
Include Time frame ListPreferred Visit Time 

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