Version Release Notes

These release notes are broken down into multiple parts, Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes and Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Important Items and Upgrade Action Steps are things you should read to determine if your org needs to take an action prior to upgrading or what post upgrade steps need to be taken.
  • Known Issues highlights issues we recognize not functioning as expected and will be working to fix in the next release.
  • Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes captures everything in the release that have a direct impact on the Registrant or Event Manager experience. These are features or functionality utilized and noticed as part of the Summit Events App
  • Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes captures everything in the release that are withing the codebase. They impact the functionality and features of the Summit Events App, but aren’t likely noticeable from an Admin or Event Manager perspective.
  • Issues Closed is a comprehesive list of Github issues (Bugs and Feature Requests) that are closed as part of this release.

Important Items and Upgrade Action Steps

Below are important items to note prior to upgrading to as well as post installation.

Guest User Access Reminder (This was also mentioned in the Release Notes)

There were several updates in the previous updates impacting the Summit Event Registant Permission Set and access needed for the Guest User. Below outlines what access is needed to avoid disruption as well as a new standard for Summit Evnets App and how to configure and manage Guest User Access.

  • The Guest User is required to have READ access to the Account Object. No additional field access necessary.
    • A lookup to the Account Object on the Summit Event Record prompted this update.
  • It is recommended and encouraged that upon installation or prior to upgrading, you create a custom permission set, granting READ access to the Account Object and add that to the Guest User. While previous documentation encourages cloning the Guest Permission set, we’re adjusting those instructions to create a custom permission set (not clone) in addition tothe Guest User having the packaged permission set (Summit Event Registrant). This will allow for a more seamless upgrade process while then allow you to manage your own customization on a single permission set.
    • While in the code base, the Summit Event Registrant has READ access to the Account object. Upon install we found that the permission was removed, likely due to Salesforce Security protocols being enforced.

Page Layouts and Picklists to Update Post Installation/Upgrade

The following Lightning Layouts and Page Layouts need to be updated to expose new fields leveraging some new functionality/updates. Below we’re sharing the API name, which has a matching label:

  • Layout: Summit Events Lightning Record Page Layout
    • Edit Lightning Record Pages and add the following fields:
    • Add Add_Info_Question_Pick_List_Long_1__c to the Add’l Configuration & Options tab
    • Add Add_Info_Question_Pick_List_Long_2__c to the Add’l Configuration & Options tab
    • Add Add_Info_Question_Pick_List_Long_3__c to the Add’l Configuration & Options tab
    • Add Add_Info_Question_Pick_List_Long_4__c to the Add’l Configuration & Options tab
    • Add Add_Info_Question_Pick_List_Long_5__c to the Add’l Configuration & Options tab
    • Add Event_Fees_Received_Label__c to the Event Fees tab
    • Add Event_Payment_Due_Description__c to the Event Fees tab
    • Add Event_Payment_Due_Heading_Label__c to the Event Fees tab
    • Add Event_Payment_Received_Description__c to the Event Fees tab
    • Add Event_Payment_Received_Heading_Label__c to the Event Fees tab
    • Add Guest_Unsaved_Cancel_Label__c to the Guest Registration tab
    • Add Guest_Unsaved_Continue_Label__c to the Guest Registration tab
    • Add Guest_Unsaved_Modal_Text__c to the Guest Registration tab
  • Layout: Summit Events Question
    • Add Picklist_Values_Long__c to the page layout

Known Issues

The lightning record page layout for the Events Objects appears to be overriding the app default setting. This may have something to do with the Winter ‘24 release and move to consolidate layouts to the lightning layouts. It might become necessary to clone and name your own layout to prevent this from happening. More details will be posted as we know more.

If you experience any issues, please post in the Trailblazer Community should you be experiencing any issues with this release.

Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Long Text Fields for Picklist Options (resolved #495 and #446)

  • When utilizing Additional Questions (on the Summit Events object) and Custom Questions, when the field type is picklist, users were limmited to a picklist that consisted of 255 character. At times, a Lookup or Lookup Picklist isn’t a viable option, so users opted to add their values to the picklist option fields. With this update additional LONG TEXT fields were added to extend the amount of characters that can be utilized in the additional and custom question picklists. Current users do not need to migrate their picklist values while still leveraging the new long text field.

Guest Registration Screen Confirming input validation (resolved #514)

  • When utilizing Guest Registration, a user may enter information and miss hitting the button to formally add their guest. While in the last release, this is highlighted to the registrant , the registrant may actually want to move forward without adding what they type. Previously a user would have to delete all felds, now the registrant is provided with a pop-up asking if they really want to move forward without submitting what they entered.

Corrected Field Types for Text Box and Text Area (resolved #513)

  • When configuring Additional Questions, the “Text Box” option erroneously created a Text Area on the registration page, while the “Text Area” option produced an Input textbox field. We have resolved this issue to ensure that the correct field types are displayed to registrants, eliminating any confusion.

Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Improved Class Year Validation & Experience (resolved #512)

  • When registering for an event using the Preferred Class Year field, users were previously misled by its appearance, as it resembled a picklist field. However, it is actually a text field with validation requirements, necessitating entry of 4 digits between 1900 and 2099. We have revamped the visual presentation of this field to make it clear that it’s a text field with numeric validation. Now, it provides context when the entry does not meet the requirements. This field can be marked as “Asked” and “Not Required” or “Required.” In the case of a required entry, any incorrect input will be highlighted in red, accompanied by an error message. When set as “Asked” and “Not Required,” the error message will appear, but the field will not be highlighted in red.

Enhanced Validation for Additional Questions (resolved #519)

  • Inconsistencies were noted with standard questions, especially when a field was marked as required. For Additional Questions, the “This field is required” error message was not displaying as expected. We have rectified this issue to ensure that it now displays, aligning with the behavior of other standard event registration questions.

City Display for Zip Code Input (resolved #511)

  • Previously, when entering a zip code on the Registration Page, an API request was made to fetch the related city. Unfortunately, this request did not consistently return a city value and would sometimes populate the City field with “Undefined,” allowing registrants to proceed. We have fixed this to now display a blank value if the city is undefined. If anyone happens to know of a city called “Undefined,” please do let us know!

Fixed Event Registration Formula (resolved #516)

  • When submitting a registration, a formula was utilized to create a text value, often used in email communications. However, the formula previously converted the Event Instance End Time and Event Instance Start Time on Summit Event Registration records incorrectly for 12 PM appointments, displaying them as 12 AM. We have updated the formula to accurately reflect 12 PM as 12 PM.

Payment Confirmation Calculation (resolved #517)

  • In the past, on the Confirmation Page following a payment, the table displaying event fees presented the full Total Cost, which caused confusion as the payment had just been made. We have rectified this to now correctly reflect the total amount as $0.00 for received payments.

Issues Closed

  • #519: [BUG] “This field is required” missing from required Additional Questions on Template
  • #517: [BUG] Confirmation Page - Total Row Shows Full Balance after Payment
  • #516: [BUG] The Event Instance End Time Text and Event Instance Start Time Text fields are displaying incorrectly for a 12 PM appointment.
  • #514: [FEATURE] - Guest Registration Screen restrict user from pushing Next when entered Guest Info is not Registered
  • #513: [BUG] Add’l Questions Text Box and Text Area are reversed
  • #512: [BUG] When registering for an Event using Preferred Class Year, the registration form gives them impression it is a picklist field, but it is a text field with validation.
  • #511: [BUG] Zip Code Triggers an API look-up, which does not always return a City value.
  • #495: [FEATURE] Additional Questions should be Text Area (Long)
  • #446: [BUG] - Text Area needs to be Text Area (long)

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Have a question or need support?

The best place to ask questions or troubleshoot the Summit Events App is by posting your questions in the Commons Project: Summit Events App Salesforce Trailblazer Community . There you can ask questions, share your experiences, and help others!

Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? Please submit an issue on our GitHub repository .