Version Release Notes

These release notes are broken down into multiple parts, Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes and Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Important Items and Upgrade Action Steps are things you should read to determine if your org needs to take an action prior to upgrading or what post upgrade steps need to be taken.
  • Known Issues highlights issues we recognize not functioning as expected and will be working to fix in the next release.
  • Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes captures everything in the release that have a direct impact on the Registrant or Event Manager experience. These are features or functionality utilized and noticed as part of the Summit Events App
  • Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes captures everything in the release that are withing the codebase. They impact the functionality and features of the Summit Events App, but aren’t likely noticeable from an Admin or Event Manager perspective.
  • Issues Closed is a comprehesive list of Github issues (Bugs and Feature Requests) that are closed as part of this release.

Important Items and Upgrade Action Steps

Below are important items to note prior to upgrading to as well as post installation.

Guest User Access Reminder (This was also mentioned in the Release Notes)

Page Layouts and Picklists to Update Post Installation/Upgrade

The following Lightning Layouts and Page Layouts need to be updated to expose new fields leveraging some new functionality/updates. Below we’re sharing the API name, which has a matching label:

  • No changes were made to the page layouts in this release.

Known Issues

If you experience any issues, please post in the Trailblazer Community should you be experiencing any issues with this release.

  • When adding the Visualforce Component to an Experience Cloud site and selecting “Summit Events”, The full calendar display, but seems to have Javascript or CSS issues. The way it’s presenting in the builder and in preview mode appear as though the calendar isn’t rendering appropriately. While it appears this way in those views, once the site is published and the calendar is accessible to the end user, it displays as expected. The end goal of displaying the calendar is met, but the admin experience is different.

Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Increased Field Size Value for “Number of Guests” To Be 4 Digits (Resolves #526)

There was a misalignment of values where fields corresponded with one another between the Summit Events object and the Summit Events Registration object. When utilizing the “Max Other Attendees” field on the Summit Events record, an individual has the ability to input a 4 digit number, indicating that they’d like the individual to be able to bring up to 9,999 guests. However, on the Registration record, the field receiving this information, “Number of Guests” is only able to accept a 2 digit value. To create alignment, we increased the field value size to 4 on “Number of Guests”.

Note: Be mindful of your Instance Capacity and Instance Capacity Control as setting a high allowance will impact other individuals ability to register once capacity is met.

Adjustments were made to ensure that the users timezone (guest or authenticated) doesn’t impact what’s displayed on the registration page. It will only reflect the timezone reflected as part of the instance. This update also solves for when the event closes. The event registration should close based on the timezone of the instance.

Registrant Skips Submit Page if there are ONLY Custom Questions (Resolves #540)

Adjustments were made to ensure that an individual registering who was asked additional questions, using the Custom Question object, did not go to the Submit Page. This was creating an extra click and confusion as there was nothing to verify. So moving forward, if an individual is registering themselves, offered a custom question, when they complete the page, it’ll submit the registration, which is the expectation.

Bulk Transaction Emails Limit Managed (Resolves #542)

When users trying to mass update registration and there is an email assocaited to the matching status/substatus, particularly from a list view, anything more than 10 emails causing a “Too many API email invocations” error. This was solved by “Bulkifying” the email message into a list to send with one “sendmail”. Users should now be able to change the status on a list view and have the associated email sent without error.

Summit Events Calendar Displays in Experience Cloud (Resolves #543)

The Summit Events full calendar wasn’t enabled to display within an Experience Cloud page, for guests or authenticated users. Adjustments were made and admins can use the Visualforce Page component on an Experience Cloud site, select “Summit Events” and have the calendar display, similar to how it might on a website.

Note: The way it displays in the Builder or in Preview (as Guest or Authenticated User) is not how it will display on a published site. This is a known issue. Users should validate the calendar is working on a Published Experience Site from the perspective of the guest or logged in user, not the preview.

Mobile Calendar View - Instances Clickable (Resolves #544)

On the Summit Events full calendar, when on a mobile device or any adjustment to a smaller screen, the instances would display, but they were not clickable, stopping an individual from registering. This has been updated so all instances that are open are clickable, allowing a viewer to click and register.

Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Admin Only Install

During the installation process, users noticed that it was installing for all users and not just limiting to Admins when installing via MetaDeploy. Through MetaDeploy, users are not given the traditional option on who to install for, so a task in the .yml file was added to ensure that the application installs for Admins Only.

Timezone Alignment to Instance Timezone designation (Resolves #521)

Adjustments were made to account for the difference in Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time, capturing the appropriate adjustment for when the event is taking place in the future, rather than adjusting once the clocks change. This should reduce confusion, particularly with events that overlap with the time changes or in areas not effected by daylight savings.

Relabeled “Preferred First Name Formatted (Resolves #531)

Change the label of Preferred FIrst Name Formatted to “Preferred Full Name Formatted” on the Summit Event Registration Object as there was confusion on what should display. This is a formula field and users were expecting to see the same value as “Registrant Preferred First Name”, but the formula captured either the Registration First Name or Preferred First Name as well as the Last Name.

Midnight Displays as 12 (Resolves #537)

If there were to be an event that started at midnight, the navigation/breadcrumb was displaying at 00. This has been resolved to reflect 12:00 AM.

Issues Closed

  • #521: Align Time Zone with the Date the Event is being held.
  • #526: Increase field size on “Number of Guests” field on Summit Events Registration to 3 digits
  • #531: Relabel or update the Preferred First Name Formatted field.
  • #536: [BUG] Nav/Date crumb not correct if guest user timezone not GMT
  • #537: [BUG] When event set to midnight displays as zero
  • #538: [BUG] Adjust time element of event close method to adjust for timezone
  • #540: [BUG] - Blank Submit Page w/ only Custom Questions (no Guests)
  • #542: [BUG] Transaction email invocations limit reached on mass update of registrations
  • #543: [BUG] SEA Visualforce Pages for Digital Experience
  • #544: [BUG] - Mobile Calendar not Clickable

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Have a question or need support?

The best place to ask questions or troubleshoot the Summit Events App is by posting your questions in the Commons Project: Summit Events App Salesforce Trailblazer Community . There you can ask questions, share your experiences, and help others!

Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? Please submit an issue on our GitHub repository .