Version Release Notes

These release notes are broken down into multiple parts, Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes and Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Important Items and Upgrade Action Steps are things you should read to determine if your org needs to take an action prior to upgrading or what post upgrade steps need to be taken.
  • Known Issues highlights issues we recognize not functioning as expected and will be working to fix in the next release.
  • Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes captures everything in the release that have a direct impact on the Registrant or Event Manager experience. These are features or functionality utilized and noticed as part of the Summit Events App
  • Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes captures everything in the release that are withing the codebase. They impact the functionality and features of the Summit Events App, but aren’t likely noticeable from an Admin or Event Manager perspective.
  • Issues Closed is a comprehesive list of Github issues (Bugs and Feature Requests) that are closed as part of this release.

Important Items and Upgrade Action Steps

  • No signifigant items or actions steps related to this release.

Page Layouts and Picklists to Update Post Installation/Upgrade

The following Lightning Layouts and Page Layouts need to be updated to expose new fields leveraging some new functionality/updates. Below we’re sharing the API name, which has a matching label:

  • No changes were made to the page layouts in this release.

Known Issues

Functional Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Custom Questions can better handle default values (Resolves #548)

There was some inconsistencies with how the default value was working on the Summit Events Question object. When leveraging a custom picklist, if one wanted to default the first value, it wasn’t working as you’d expect. With the recent resolution, nearly all of the question types can hold a default value, this includes when the Question Object is hidden. Picklists will recognize whether the value actually exists, which should avoid potential errors with restrictive picklists or a custom list (managed on the question object) where there values don’t match.

Calender can be filtered with various URL Parameters (Resolves #554)

The Out of the Box Calendar, included as part of Summit Events, had some issues with rendering appropriately when using URL Parameters for filter. This feature was highlighted in Release 0.29.01. This bug has been fixed and additional filter parameters have been added to enhance the overall functionality as we’ve learned more users are leveraging the calendar than initial realized. In addition to “audienceList”, the following filters have been added:

  • rectype : filters on salesforce record type id of event records
  • viewStart : The date scope of the feed start. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22)
  • viewEnd : The date scope of the feed end. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22)
  • eventId : Shows only the instances under the event umbrella of this id
  • type : Filters on “Event Type” field of the Event record (single item only)
  • sponsor : Filters on the “Event Sponsor” field of the Event record (can be a comma separated list)
  • displayon : Filters on the “Filter Where To Display” of the Event record (can be a comma separated list)
  • category : Filters on the “Filter Category” of the Event record ( can be a comma separated list)
  • filter : Searches all the fields listed in options as a like statement allowing for a broader search of location information. ( can be a comma separated list)
  • account : Filter events on the name of an account associated to the event on the “Account” field on the Event record.
  • locationtype : Filter events on the “Location Type” field on the Event record can be overrided on an instance of the event
  • building : Filter events on the “Building” field on the Event record. (can be a comma separated list)
  • longdesc : this will substitute the short description with the full event detail. It may not work on the calendar view.
  • audienceSelect : when set to false the dropdown of audience does not show.
  • template : Allows you to pass in a name of a visualforce page template you have built for SEA on your site. the .page suffix can be removed from the visualforce page name. Additional details will be added to the site for further clarification.

    NOTE: This feature is inclusive of events leveraging an OR statement, not an AND statement. As the URL Paramter filter is built, consider starting with the most restrive parameter. When considering bulding a calender view leveraging the URL Parameter filter, consider starting with the statement “I want to inlcude events (instances) that have the following values on their Event Record…”

    • Example: “ I want to include events (instances) that are for the General Public, Fundraising, OR Display on the Website”
    • URL = …
EventAudienceEvent TypeWhere to DisplayIncluded/Not IncludedReason
Undergraduate Info SessionsGeneral PublicInfo SessionsWebsiteIncludedaudienceList=General%20Public & displayon=Website
Annual GalaAlumniFundraisingPortalIncludedtype=Fundraising
Smash Bros. TourneyCurrent StudentsClub EventPortalNot IncludedNo values match
Residence Life Info SessionCurrent StudentsInfo SessionsWebsiteIncludeddisplayon=Website

Understanding the Filterable Fields and Values

The fields that can be leverage are in alignment with what’s available in the Summit Events Feed. To understand what’s in the feel, the languaged to use for the URL and what values are available use the following URL after your domain name:

Understadning the “template” Parameter

The “template” parameter is a unique parameter that allows you to brand your calendar, similar to how you brand the registration experience. THere are some unique elements to ensure it shows properly as the url parameter needs to be input a bit differently. For the “template” paratmer to function, it requires you to input “c__” in front of the visualforce page name associated to the template. While the recommendation is to be consistent in your naming convention, (matching the VF page name to the Template Picklist value), keep in mind that you need to identify the visualforce page name minuq the .page. The “c__” namespace denotes a custom namespace and is neccessary as Summit Events is a managed package. Considerations are being made to adjust this, however, for now the “c__” is needed.


  • Note: “summitEventsApp” is the name of the Visualforce Page. The c__ in front of it denotes it lives outside the package in the common namespace.

Technical Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Cancellation Page has been cleaned up (Resolves #545)

There were issues with the cancellation page not rendering and defaulting to the error page, particularly on past events. While it may seem as though the cancellation link isn’t needed for past events, it was also noticed during times when registration was closed, but the event hasn’t happened yet. In review, there were several things that needed to be fix, so the cancel registration page has been reworked to function appropriately, regardless of the instances date/time.

Additional Header will only appear with Additional Questions (Resolves #553)

On the primary registration page, when certain fields were displaying, the “Additional Information” heading would display on the page with nothing underneath it. In past releases, those fields were moved up in the page, leaving only the “Additional Questions” to display under the “Additional Information” header. The logic associated to displaying this header was updated (actually removed) since it should only be dependent on the Additional Information fields.

Issues Closed

  • #545: Cancellation Page error and not working as expected.
  • #548: Default Values for Picklists isn’t working on Custom Questions.
  • #553: “Additional Information” header on registration page appears when it shouldn’t.
  • #554: Filtering the calendar with audience URL parameters isn’t working as expected.

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Have a question or need support?

The best place to ask questions or troubleshoot the Summit Events App is by posting your questions in the Commons Project: Summit Events App Salesforce Trailblazer Community . There you can ask questions, share your experiences, and help others!

Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? Please submit an issue on our GitHub repository .