Email Template Merge Fields

Merge fields can be used in the email template to merge in data about the event and registrant. Only fields on the Summit Event Registration object can be merged into the email content. The Summit Event Registration object contains formula fields to many of the frequently referenced fields from the Event and Event Instance. If needed, additional formula feilds can be created on the Summit Event Registration object to reference fields from related objects such as the Event or Event Instance. When adding merge feilds, it is the API name of the feild that is used. All API field names should be encompassed with merge brackets, often seen in the classic email template builder. Example: {!summit__First_Name__c}.

For your convenience, below is a reference of some of the more used merge feilds and their API names which can be copied into the email template. Additonal API field names can be found on the Summit Event Registration object.

API NameDescriptionMerge Syntax (copy to email template)
summit__Registrant_First_Name__cRegistrant First Name{!summit__Registrant_First_Name__c}
summit__Registrant_Last_Name__cRegistrant Last Name{!summit__Registrant_Last_Name__c}
summit__Event_Name__cThe name of the Event{!summit__Event_Name__c}
summit__Event_Instance_Title__cThe instance Title{!summit__Event_Instance_Title__c}
summit__Event_Instance_Start_Time__cThe start time of the event instance{!summit__Event_Instance_Start_Time__c}
summit__Event_Instance_End_Time__cThe end time of the event instance{!summit__Event_Instance_End_Time__c}
summit__Event_Instance_Date_Time_Formatted__cFormatted date/time of instance: Tuesday, August 27, 2025, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST{!summit__Event_Instance_Date_Time_Formatted__c}
summit__Location_Address__cLocation address{!summit__Location_Address__c}
summit__Event_Registration_Requested_Date__cDate person registered{!summit__Event_Registration_Requested_Date__c}
summit__Event_Registration_Cancel_Link__cLink that registrant can use to cancel registration{!summit__Event_Registration_Cancel_Link__c}
summit__Add_To_Calendar_Link__cGeneral add to calendar link for event instance{!summit__Add_To_Calendar_Link__c}
summit__Virtual_Meeting_URL__cVirtual meeting url from the event instance{!summit__Virtual_Meeting_URL__c}

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