This content is a work in progress. If you’re interested in contributing to the Summit Events App and want to help provide support by reviewing or adding to this page, comment below and let us know!

Calendar Management

Once Summit Events is installed many organizations want to display their event calendar on their website so the public can see the events they are offering. Here is an example of what the event calendar looks like on a web page - you can accomplish the same thing by following the instructions below. Salesforce Administrator Steps:

  1. Create a CORS record in Salesforce. This allows the calendar code to run in the web browser to communicate with Salesforce on your web domain. • Go to Setup -> Security ->CORS. • Click “New” • Enter the “Original URL Pattern” value for your domain - for example, “https://*”

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Have a question or need support?

The best place to ask questions or troubleshoot the Summit Events App is by posting your questions in the Commons Project: Summit Events App Salesforce Trailblazer Community . There you can ask questions, share your experiences, and help others!

Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? Please submit an issue on our GitHub repository .