
In Summit Events, the standard functionality calls for each instance to utilize details from the parent event record. While you can control the date, time and capacity on an instance, the location details, Alternative Registration URL link, Feed Registration Button Text and Fees are read from parent event. As an event manager, you may be creating different instances of the same event, but some may be virtual. Rather than creating an entirely new event record, you can control certain fields that impact the individual instance.

Steps to Leveraging Overrides

Leveraging overrides is as simple as inputting a value in a field that ends in “Override” on the Event Instance record. These fields will typically be in the “Overrides” section on the page layout. If you don’t see these fields, you may need to update your page layout.


Expectations and Examples

You should expect that the override fields utilized will update on the registration page layout as well as map appropriately to the registration record. Below is an example of how the registration page will change based on an Instance Override. In the example below, there is a single Event record with 2 Instance records. You’ll be able to see this as part of the Registration Views.

 Admin ViewRegistrant View
Event w/out Overridesimageimage
Event w/ Instance Overridesimageimage

Override Mappings

Instance Override Field Event Record Field
Alternate Registration URL Overridewill overrideAlternate Registration URL
Building Overridewill overrideBuilding
Event Fee Additional Allocation Overridewill overrideEvent Fee Additional Allocation
Event Fee Additional Overridewill overrideEvent Fee Additional
Event Fee Allocation Overridewill overrideEvent Fee Allocation
Event Fee Overridewill overrideEvent Fee
Feed Registration Button Text Overridewill overrideFeed Registration Button Text
Location Address Overridewill overrideLocation Address
Location Map Link Overridewill overrideLocation Map Link
Location Title Overridewill overrideLocation Title
Location Type Overridewill overrideLocation Type

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Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? Please submit an issue on our GitHub repository .