
Mobile App

  1. Create a release branch for the new version. Branch name should be like release/vX.Y.Z.
  2. Summarize the features and/or bugs fixed in
  3. Update app.json.
  4. Push the branch and create a pull request.
  5. After merged, create the tag in new release page. GitHub Actions will automatically generate the .apk file.
  6. Attach the .apk file in the release page.

Salesforce Package

Salesforce Application forGrassroots Mobile Survey, now available to install.


  1. Free and open source for nonprofits with small budgets.
  2. Offline or online!
  3. Downloaded surveys can be filled out whether there’s phone or internet service, providing remote villagers or disaster victims support. Once wifi or phone service is restored, one-step sync and your data flows to your database.
  4. Customizable! Organizations build their own surveys to captures the data needed.
  5. Sync from mobile iOS or Android app using only one Salesforce API user.

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Grassroots Mobile Survey is a tool built and maintained by a community of volunteers through the Open Source Commons program. This is not a Salesforce-owned product. If you need support, go to the Trailblazer Community Group.