When you install GRMS from Salesforce.org’s MetaDeploy page, you have the option of installing a set of flows to help streamline your work with the app. The flows included are detailed below.
Create Relationships from List View Flow
Flow Label: Create Relationships from List View
API Name: Create_Relationships_from_List_View
Type: Screen Flow
Ver: V1
Description: This is a bulk assignment Salesforce flow designed for efficiently assigning field workers to new survey recipients or clients. This flow receives Contact IDs as input from a list view, for example, and will let the user select a field worker and the relationship type from picklists. The field workers in the Org are the Contacts where the GRMS__ContactType__c value is “Field Worker”. The relationship types include but are not limited to “Mother” “Child” and “Regular Client”. Once the user makes the necessary selections, GRMS__FieldWorkerClientRelation__c (Field Worker and Client Relationship) records will be created to establish the relationship between the clients and the field workers.
Flow Design Screenshot
Flow Dialog Screens
Case Load Migration Flow Flow
Flow Label: Case Load Migration Flow
API Name: Case_Load_Migration_Flow
Type: Screen Flow
Ver: V1
Description: A screen flow to migrate a case load between field workers, either by re-assigning to a different field worker or copying a case load to a different field worker. The field workers in the Org are the Contacts where the GRMS__ContactType__c value is “Field Worker”. Once the user makes the necessary migrate or copy selection, GRMS__FieldWorkerClientRelation__c (Field Worker and Client Relationship) records will either be cloned and assigned or updated and moved to the new field worker.