Project Team & Accomplishments


  • Got the Documentation moved into the Wiki
  • Set up Templates for Recipes and Comparison reviews
    • Created two recipes
  • Set up all the tickets and repo to match the work that had been done since the past release
  • Got the CMDT based Indicator Bundle Component into the Repo
  • Add a heap of new features into the Indicator Bundle Component
  • Taught a few people about VSCode, Salesforce Metadata, and Custom Metadata Types
Full NameTeam RoleGithub UsernameWorking Group?
Jodie MinersGroup LeaderJodiemDocumentation and Recipes, Testing
Tim SchugCode LeadtschugCoding
Eileen KDocumentationprogrammer2coderDocumentation and Recipes
Sagal MursalDocumentationsmursal 

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Release the new features
  • Testing
  • Packaging
  • Release the Package
  • New Components
  • Exception Grid Component
  • Highlights Panel Component

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