Project Team & Accomplishments

Report Back Day 1

  • Foundational Discussions
  • LWC Development and Cook Book Building
  • Familiarized ourselves with the App
  • Held great dialogue on the technical path towards a set of LWCs to create and manage the custom metadata without requiring Setup access
  • Began mockup for indicator builder
  • Organized the recipe ideas and began documenting them
  • Formulated plan to transition Quip to Wiki
  • Started preparation for the Wiki pages to move to GitHub Docs
  • Sketched out feature enhancement for text matching condition

Report Back Day 2

  • Rearranged the “bookshelf” of the Wiki
  • Setup a CMDT deploy utility
  • Constructed an Indicator Builder LWC
  • Built and contributed 6 common recipes
  • Knocked out 3 cosmetic items from the backlog
  • Added a new “operator” functionality for text matching (Equals, Starts with, Contains, Does not equal)
Full NameTeam RoleGithub UsernameWorking Group?
Tim SchugGroup LeadtschugTechnical
Emma KeelingGroup LeadSalesforce_EmDocumentation
Kaisha VilcinorDocumentationKVilcinorDocumentation and Recipes
Maida RiderDocumentationRiderM780Documentation and Recipes
David FromsteinDeveloperfromsteinsfdcTechnical
Bobby WrightDeveloperbobbysfdevTechnical
Andy McMullanDeveloper Technical

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Additional Recipes
  • Moving of Wiki to Github Documentation
  • Further tidy-up of Documentation

Next Step Notes

  • QA the cosmetic item updates and “operator” functionality for text matching.
  • Review the outcomes from the metadata-deploy and indicator-builder branches
    • Document/comment on approach
    • Conform to product/code styles

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