Project Team & Accomplishments

Report Back Day 1

  • Talked about why Indicators is needed
  • Demo on how the app works now
  • Everyone went through the process of setting up an indicator and bundle
  • We had a great discussion on the hurdles of installing and setting up Indicators and how we should improve the help documentation

Salesforce Indicators Data Model){: width=”590”} Salesforce Indicators Data Model

Report Back Day 2

  • Looked at the current builder and current UI work that was done on the Chicago Sprint. (Thanks Tim for the excellent videos, and the work that has been done since Chicago)
  • Had an in-depth discussion on the merits of the proposed UI and started to think about some alternatives
  • Coding to deal with “state” after save and deploy
  • Intense Wiki creation session focused on getting started
  • FINALLY, some documentation on Extensions!
  • Had amazing discussions
  • Excellent research for a technical issue

Salesforce Indicators Data Model

Full NameTeam RoleGithub Username
Jodie MinersTeam Lead@JodieM
Jenny HorneDocumentation (Including a rework of the install pages 
Jennifer CainsDocumentation (including the great images above) 
Rob CornerDocumentation (including Extensions and The Key 
Anna LoughnanBug & Blog/Promo@annaloughnanrad
Rebecca ParsonsRecipe, Bug 
Andrew CollinsUI feedback and discussion 
David AllenRecipe and discussion 
Ryan SicadDiscussion 
Mayur PatilDeveloper 

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

  • Mock Up of new UI
  • Moving of Wiki to Github Documentation
  • Continuing tidy-up of Documentation
  • Social post on Indicators

Next Step Notes

  • Review the outcomes from the metadata-deploy and indicator-builder branches
    • Finalise our documentation for the new UI build to conform to product/code styles
    • We need some UI help

Sprint Notes:

Salesforce Indicators Community Sprint.docx

Salesforce Indicators ❤️s and works really well with DLRS

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