Project Team & Accomplishments

  • Added more documentation
  • Created YouTube Channel
    • I failed at creating the banner for the YouTube site so I asked Tim to do that and he came up with an amazing banner in super quick time.
    • This will be for both marketing our app and for storage for our team to build our marketing videos.
  • Created Salesforce Persistent Org to add our Demos
    • Thanks Cori for creating, and thanks Anand for suggesting
    • I have a heap of scratch orgs with demos in various states so it will be great to have them in the one place.
    • As Cori said, it is also a great tool to have to do regression testing for each release.
  • To publish on the AppExchange, some members of the team spent time starting the process to include demo videos to showcase the features of Salesforce Indicators.
  • Identified and documented use Cases for Indicators for senior management.
  • Created a how to guide for how to use Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries (DLRS) for Indicators to make it easier to surface helpful data on a record page. Discussion and use case identification for using Salesforce Indicators with Campaigns and Campaign member documented in a Powerpoint presentation


Full NameTeam RoleGithub UsernameWorking Group?
Tim SchugRemotetschugTechnical
Emma KeelingRemoteSalesforce_EmDocumentation
Jodie MinersTeam LeadJodieMDocumentation

Team Members

  • Anand Marethe
  • Mia Pacey
  • Sai Yadeamarithi
  • Sonika Jain
  • Shelly Xu
  • Gaurav Kheterpal
  • Noah Zheng
  • Pooya
  • Raji Kolla
  • Sonika Jain

Next Steps

  • Continue building out new use case documentation, and work on upcoming videos to publish AppExchange listing.

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