
Indicator Bundle

The main Component of Salesforce Indicators right now is the Indicator Bundle.

New Components

However, we are not stopping there. We have two exciting new Components coming soon…

How about a Component that allows you to help users see at a glance what data is missing from the record, or not filled in correctly. This is super helpful for example when you have a Document Generation document (like Conga or Drawloop) that relies on fields from the record to be filled in correctly, or you have an integration that will fail if fields are not filled in correctly. This is the Exceptions Grid.

How about a Component that is a Highlights Panel where text values or field values can be displayed. But the fields will show and hide based on conditions in your record, just like the Indicators do. So, you can have a Highlights panel that shows values for a specific stage or a specific record type.

See Getting Involved with Salesforce Indicators if you would like to help us build out these exiting new features.

Original Component

The original Component Indicator List has been deprecated (but it still works if it is in your org).

Other Components and Apps

One of the tenents of the Open Source Commons is that we need to also show you what else is out there, and what other apps could do similar things to our app. We invite you to submit a review for any app that helps you enhance your Lihgtning Pages. See the Table Of Contents below for the apps we have reviewed.

Table of contents

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