Program and Case Management Use Cases

Contributor: Heath Parks

  • Have and indicator that visualized missed classes or sessions (Each org could set the value but you could have an indicator that displays, red, yellow or green based on a numeric value that is predefined.
  • Have an indicator to note progress on a goal. (Like the SF path, but in an icon form)
  • Have indicators to visually show how many programs, services, etc a person is currently in. (For example you could create icons for each program, service and display them on the contact record)
  • Display indicators to show the different goals a person is working on. (You could create icons for predefined goals and display them on the contact record)
  • Have an indicator to note is a person is currently active or inactive in services, programs, etc. (Useful if an organization has people that come in and out of programs or services)
  • Have an indicator that note is a person is at risk or need extra attention. (Similar to what Case Mangement currently has, but that is text based)
  • Indicators to display specific barriers/issues the person is facing.

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