
This bundle of Indicators shows users key donation information about the contact. It is designed to be used with NPSP. Add this bundle to the Contact Lightning Page to display when Total Number of Donations >=1.


LabelContact Donor Profile
Indicator Bundle NameContact_Donor_Profile
Card TitleDonor Profile
Card Iconaction:action:new_opportunity
Card TextDetails of this contact's donation history
DescriptionA Bundle to show on a Contact when using NPSP to show key donation information

Indicator Items

In the order they are displayed in the Bundle:

  1. Contact Household Total Gifts
  2. Contact Total Gifts
  3. Contact Donation Recency
  4. Contact Donation Frequency
  5. Contact Regular Donor Status
  6. Contact Membership Status

Donor Profile

  1. Do Not Contact
  2. Contact Level
  3. One Off Donor
  4. Regular Donor
  5. Seat Supporter


  • This is a nice use of the Action Icon in the Bundle. Unfortunately Action Icons can’t be used in the Indicator Items, but they may be useful here. Just make sure your Bundles are consistent throughout your org.
  • This bundle uses fields from the NPSP. Ensure you have these fields in your org, and you are using them before creating an Indicator for the field.

Contributed By

Vicky McLaren, VickyMcL Emma Keeling, Salesforce_Em

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