See Install Salesforce Indicators if you have not already installed Salesforce Indicators.

Add a new Indicator Bundle

  • Go to the Indicators Setup Tab

Open Indicators Setup

  • Open the Indicators Setup Menu

Indicators Setup Menu

  • Use the New button to add a new Indicator Bundle

Edit an existing Indicator Bundle

  • Go to the Tab Indicators Setup Tab:
    • Choose the Indicator Bundle from the drop down list. The existing bundle details will be displayed.
    • Click the Edit Bundle button

OR, alternatively

  • Edit the Settings in CMDT:
    • Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Custom Metadata Types
    • Scroll to Indicator Bundles and click Manage Records
    • Click Edit next to the Bundle you want to edit

Indicator Bundle Fields

FieldExample ValueDescriptionTip
LabelAccount Bundle Include the Object Name in the Label
Indicator Bundle NameAccount_BundleThe API nameMake the API Name the same as the Label, but include underscores instead of spaces
Card TitleAccount InddicatorsShows at top of card 
sObjectAccountChoose the Object that this Bundle will be for 
Card Iconstandard:accountThe Icon name from SLDS IconsUse default icons such as standard:account, standard:opportunity
Card TextKey Indicators for AccountThe text to display below the Card Title 
Activetrue Uncheck Active if you need to quickly remove the Bundle from being visible on the page
DescriptionShown on the Account page for standard Business Accounts Be an angel and write something useful here, especially if you have more than one bundle for the same Object. Your future self will thank you

Indicator Bundle Tips

💡Setup Tips

  • When adding the Indicator Bundle to the Lightning Record Page, check the Show Refresh Button Checkbox. That way, as you are building your Indicators, you can quickly refresh the Bundle to see how the changes to the settings will appear on your page.

💡Design Tips

  • Titles and Icons are not required on Bundles, but they look best when the Large Icons are shown. a Bundle of small Icons used in a strip (see Examples) can look good with no Title and Icon.
  • If in doubt, just use the standard icon matching that record (eg standard:account)
  • Don’t use too many colors or icon styles. Try to stick with the SLDS color pallette
  • See Additional Complementary Apps and Components to Enhance Your Org

Next Steps

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