Affiliations, Relationships, Accounts and Contacts Recipes

Contact: Count Current Board Member Affiliation


Identify on the Contact record their active affiliation, such as if they are a board member or sponsor. This rollup is based on information on the Role field in a Contact’s related Affiliations.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object NPSP Affiliation
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) npe5__Role__c = ‘Board Member’ AND npe5__Status__c = ‘Current’
Relationship Criteria Fields npe5__Role__c Status
Field to Aggregate Id
Field to Order By n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field Current_Board_Count__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed


Customize npe5__Role__c (Role on Affiliation) to include Board Member or any other roles you want to roll up to the Contact.


  • Use different roles for the rollup, such as sponsor. If you only want to rollup the role from the Contact’s Primary Affiliation, you can add “AND npe5_Primary__c=TRUE” to the Relationship Criteria SOQL query.

  • You could also have a checkbox formula field on the contact object for easy reporting. If the rollup value >=1, then the checkbox is checked (true), meaning they are a board member. If the rollup is 0, then the checkbox is unchecked (false).

Contributed By Hua Ping Tan, Belmar Consulting Group

Contact: Concatenate Special Relationship to Organization


This is a variation on the board member count rollup using text instead of count. This can help track from a contact level who is on the board, staff, and volunteers if those are being tracked by affiliations. This rollup is generally good for end users to see a quick list of important interactions with your org and for ease of use with reporting.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object npe5__Affiliation__c
Relationship Field npe5__Contact__c
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) (npe5__Status__c = 'Current') AND (npe5__Organization__c = '_Your Org's 18 Digit Account ID_')
Relationship Criteria Fields npe5__Status__c, npe5__Organization__c
Field to Aggregate Role_Text_Formula__c
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_Special_Relationship_to_(Org Name)__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed.

Any test code or other preparations needed:

  • Create role picklist values for Board Member, Volunteer, Staff, etc, in the Role Text Formula field
  • Create the account for your organization, and get the Account Id.
  • In this example, I relabeled the standard Affiliations Role field to ‘Title’, and created a new Role Text picklist, because we didn’t want to use the Related Opportunity Contact role and trigger out-of-the-box automation on opportunities

Variations: This could also be used to track former relationships, by modifying the Status value in the Relationship Criteria.

Contributor Beth Hintze, Attain Partners

Contact: Count Relationships to Accounts


Count the number of AccountContactRelation records for a particular contact to be able to see if that person is related to more than one Account. This rollup uses the Relate Contacts to Multiple Accounts feature

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object AccountContactRelation
Relationship Field ContactId
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) n/a
Relationship Criteria Fields n/a
Field to Aggregate Id
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field Count_of_Relationships__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed


It took me a little while to realize the field I needed to summarize was Id. Normally for the Count function with DLRS I summarize “Name” but AccountContactRelation doesn’t have a name field!

Contributed By Sarah Pilzer, Country Dance & Song Society

Account: Count Number of Contacts


Count number of Contacts associated with an Account.

Field Value
Parent Object Account
Child Object Contact
Relationship Field Account
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) n/a
Relationship Criteria Fields n/a
Field to Aggregate Id
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field Count_of_Contacts__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed

Contributed By Michael Kolodner, for client: Clean Air Council

Account: Address Type Count


Counts the number of Address Types associated with an Account. We use the Address Type field to indicate specific purposes for addresses, including Acknowledgements, Direct Mail, and Event Invitations. This rollup counts how many addresses have a specific type value, ‘Direct Mail’ in this case, to check that the value exists.

Field Value
Parent Object Account
Child Object npsp__Address__c
Relationship Field npsp__Household_Account__c
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) npsp__Address_Type__c = ‘Direct Mail’
Relationship Criteria Fields npsp__Address_Type__c
Field to Aggregate Id
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field Count_of_DirectMail Address__c
Calculation Mode Scheduled
Schedule vs Child Trigger Run on a schedule


I think I would do an incremental scheduled batch if I did this again.

Contributed By Amanda Styles, Traction on Demand

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Declarative Lookup Roll-Up Summaries is a tool built and maintained by a community of volunteers through the Open Source Commons program. This is not a Salesforce-owned product. If you need support, go to the Trailblazer Community Group.