Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to allow Metadata API in remote site settings?

To configure rollups with this tool your user needs a connection and permissions to the Salesforce Metadata API. The Welcome tab for the tool provides a check for this and help guide through the configuration required. If your org is using My Domain you will have a much easier time and no Remote Site setting will be required. Regardless though your user will need the following permissions.

  • API Access
  • Metadata API Access or Modify All Data
  • Author Apex (needed to use Manage Child Triggers button)
  • Customize Application (needed to use Manage Rollup Summaries tab to update Custom Metadata)

Note: The above are powerful permissions please review fully before enabling - typically these are enabled for Admin users.

Known Issues

  • Release v2.12 Welcome tab incorrectly stated in some cases the Remote Site was created when it was not
  • Starting with v2.13 of the Welcome tab has been fixed and enhanced to improve the setup experience
  • Session based IP restrictions can interfere with the tool, see here.

Why did I receive a warning that “Lookup Rollup Summary Logs Exist?

What is this?

Rollups that have Calculation Mode set to Scheduled generate logs when failures occur.

What do I do?

This warning lets you know that you have some log entries to view for failed parent record updates. Once you address the issues the logs should be removed the next time the scheduled job runs. Or if you prefer you can delete them yourself. Go to the Lookup Rollup Summary Logs tab to view them.

How do I optimize DLRS? I am running into Apex CPU Limits or other performance issues!

DLRS gives you many options for controlling how it runs. It can run in realtime synchronously from a DLRS Trigger, your own Trigger, or Process Builder. It can also be run asynchronously with it’s Scheduled Incremental Mode or Scheduled Full Calculate Mode. Additionally you can use Process Builder and a Scheduled Action with a delay such as 0 Hours from now which will happen typically within a few minutes.

Strongly consider whether you need DLRS to run in realtime or not. Also consider whether you want to deploy the DLRS trigger or call the DLRS Trigger Handler from your own trigger framework. Consider calling dlrs.RollupService.triggerHandler() directly.

How do you get OR to work in the Relationship Criteria?

Make sure to wrap the query with parenthesis:

(CRITERIA1 OR Criteria2)

related issue #138

How do I know if my scheduled Calculation Mode is working?

  • Make sure your trigger is deployed and you can manually run your summary with the Calculate button
  • Make sure you see the Related List: Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items at the bottom of your Summary
  • Go and manually edit a child record’s Relationship Field or any Relationship Criteria field and save the record
  • Now you should see a record listed in the Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items list
  • Let your schedule run
  • Check Recent Lookup Rollup Summary Logs
  • Check Setup > Jobs > Scheduled Jobs & Apex Jobs

Why are my rollup totals out of date?

  • Check the Calculation Mode field on your DLRS job. Realtime jobs should run every time a record is updated, and Scheduled jobs can be set to run daily, weekly, or monthly. If you have set the mode to “Scheduled”, have you created a Scheduled Apex Job to refresh the calculations? - see DLRS Calculation
  • Use the Full Calculate button to force a refresh of the calculation; this is the best way to check that your criteria are still appropriate and that the system is finding records to update.
  • Make sure that any updates you are making to the child records will trigger your rollups. For example, if you are using third party tools like Duplicate Check to merge or update records, the record updates may not meet the criteria to trigger DLRS Realtime jobs. You might consider adding a scheduled calculation to your realtime rollups to include records that you merge or update on a regular basis.

Why am I receiving this error “System.LimitException: dlrs:Too many query rows: 50001”

DLRS usually queries from the perspective of the parents, retrieving all of the child records that match the given criteria. If the parents in a given batch have an average of 250 (50,000 / 200) children, have many DLRS jobs configured, or have lots of cascading rollups (rollup from grandchild to parent to grandparent) then DLRS can easily request a total of >50,000 records in the given transaction.

If this is happening during a scheduled calculation or a full calculation batch job then you can adjust the batch size in the Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries hierarchy custom setting. It defaults to 200.

Attention: Need to delete unused field on dlrs__LookupRollupSummaryScheduleItems__c”

What is this?

The field dlrs__LookupRollupSummary__c on the Custom Object dlrs__LookupRollupSummaryScheduleItems__c is no longer required and has been removed from this tools package going forward. However it still exists in your org and needs to be manually removed for optimal configuration and performance.

Also note that if you have configured a new rollup since installing this version of the tool you may also be seeing this error when working with child records associated with Scheduled rollups. This error is also resolved by following the steps below.

dlrs.RollupService.RollupValidationException: Scheduled rollups are running in legacy mode and are unable to resolve corresponding shadow rollups. Please visit the Lookup Rollup Summary Tools tab for more information and steps to resolve.

What do I do?

  • Run a report or create list view on the Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items object that filters for records that do not contain a value in the Lookup Rollup Summary 2 field. If you have records like this its possible they are very old, since this field has been being populated since v1.15 and beyond. If you want you can delete these records and re-run a full calculate for the associated Rollups.
  • Next you need to go to the Object Manager in Setup and find the Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Items object. Locate the field Lookup Rollup Summary (its a Master-Detail) with the API name dlrs__LookupRollupSummary__c.
  • Delete this field and don’t worry about accidentally deleting others the platform will block this. This will not effect any other data in your org as it is was purely used for the operation of the tool in prior releases and is now no longer needed.

Note: If you do not see the Delete option for the above field - try switching to Salesforce Classic UI mode.

What are the Aggregation Operators?

  • Sum add up numerical source values (number, currency or percent field)
  • Max find the largest numerical source value (number, currency or percent field)
  • Min find the smallest numerical source value (number, currency or percent field)
  • Avg calculate the mean of all numerical source values (number, currency or percent field)
  • Count Tally up the number of child records. The most common source field for this operation is the record Id.
  • Count Distinct Tally up the number of child records but exclude duplicate source values. The most common source field for this operation is the field that contains the potential duplicate values.
  • Concatenate combine all the child records’ values into one long string.
  • Concatenate Distinct combine all the child records’ values into one long string but exclude duplicate values.
  • First find the value of the child record that ranks first according to your ‘Order by’ specification. If you don’t specify an ‘Order by’ it defaults to ordering by the source field. (see SOQL and SOSL Reference)
  • Last find the value of the child record that ranks last according to your ‘Order by’ specification. If you don’t specify an ‘Order by’ it defaults to ordering by the source field

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Declarative Lookup Roll-Up Summaries is a tool built and maintained by a community of volunteers through the Open Source Commons program. This is not a Salesforce-owned product. If you need support, go to the Trailblazer Community Group.