Campaign, Registrations, and Applications Recipes

Contact: Count All Campaign Memberships


Counts the number of campaigns a contact has been involved in. This is not possible with a standard rollup summary field because you can’t create one on Contact record to summarize Campaign Member records.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object CampaignMember
Relationship Field ContactId
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) n/a
Relationship Criteria Fields n/a
Field to Aggregate Id
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_CampaignMemberships__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed


  • You could count only the number of “responded” statuses using SOQL criteria “HasResponded = true”
  • If your org standardizes campaign member status options, you could also make counts of memberships in various statuses.
  • You could also count specific types of Campaigns, by adding criteria for Campaign Type - see next recipe.

Contributed By Michael Kolodner,

Contact: Count Campaign Memberships by Type


This is a variation of the overall campaign type counts. This is just one recipe, but it could be used for several different variations such as Direct Mail Fundraising; Email Fundraising; Social Fundraising; Advocacy; etc.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object CampaignMember
Relationship Field ContactId
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) Campaign Type = ‘Direct Mail’ AND HasResponded = ‘TRUE’
Relationship Criteria Fields Campaign Type, HasResponded
Field to Aggregate Id
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_Count_of_<direct_mail>_Campaign_Responses__c
Calculation Mode Scheduled
Schedule vs Child Trigger Schedule, No Child Trigger. This could be done in real time, but it’s probably best to do a scheduled batch because of how fast and furiously campaign members can come in.

Any test code or other preparations needed:

Adding the picklist values you want to use for Campaign Type.


You could use other Campaign Type values, such as Email Fundraising, Social Fundraising, Event, etc. and set up the fields as a suite for segmentation.

Contributed By Beth Hintze, Attain Partners

Contact: Campaign of First Donation


This rollup example uses the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP), which has a primary campaign source and a primary contact on each opportunity. Rolling up the Campaign (used for the appeal) on a contact’s first donation tells us which appeal they first responded to with a donation.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object Opportunity
Relationship Field Primary Contact
Relationship Criteria None
Field to Aggregate CampaignID
Field to Order By CloseDate
Aggregate Operation First
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_First_Campaign_Supported__c
Calculation Mode Scheduled
Schedule vs Child Trigger Deploy the Child Trigger, and since this is unlikely to be urgent and would not change after creation, this roll-up is a good fit for scheduling to run with the DLRS calculation scheduler.


As currently written, you’d see the Campaign Id rather than the name in the result field, so you might want to create an additional text formula field on Opportunity to show the Campaign Name, and aggregate that field instead. (You can display this field in related lists, and use as an email merge field too, so it’s helpful to have anyway!)


  • Identify the campaign for a contact’s most recent gift. All you would need to do is change the Action to Last.

  • Show the first or last Campaign on Account instead, using Account as the relationship field.

Contributed by Amanda Styles, Traction on Demand

Account: First Event Purchased Date


Rolls up the date of the first event that someone in a household has purchased a ticket for. The ticket record must be active, and the amount paid for the ticket must be greater than $0. This version is specifically for PatronManager users, and summarizes custom Ticket Order Item records, but you could use it for any custom objects that represent tickets or registrations.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Account
Child Object PatronTicket__TicketOrderItem__c
Relationship Field PatronTicket__Account__c
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) PatronTicket__Status__c = 'Active' AND PatronTicket__EffectiveTicketPrice__c > 0
Relationship Criteria Fields PatronTicket__Status__c PatronTicket__EffectiveTicketPrice__c
Field to Aggregate Event_Instance_As_Date__c
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation MIN
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_First_Purchased_Event_Date__c
Calculation Mode Process Builder
Schedule vs Child Trigger Run on a schedule every morning at 5am, and don’t deploy the Child Trigger (since there are a lot of other triggers involved in a ticket purchase). It seems to be fine to have this field updated once a day, as it is mostly used in annual reports.


As the Event object comes with only a Date/Time field, I added a formula to show the value just as a Date field for the field that is summarized.


  • The Last (or Most Recent) Event Purchased Date - same thing, only with a Max action and a different target field.

  • Rollup on Contact instead of Account. Substitute the parent object with Contact, and adjust the relationship and target fields.

Contributed by Caroline Renard, Data Geeks Lab

Contact: Current Program Engagement Status


Shows the current status of a program engagement (or any object that may have an open and closed option). Multiple other use cases for this rollup as this function will work with any field.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object Program_Engagement__c
Relationship Field Member__c (this is the contact lookup)
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) n/a
Relationship Criteria Fields n/a
Field to Aggregate Intake_Status__c
Order By Field CreatedDate
Aggregate Operation LAST
Aggregate Result Field Current_PE_Status__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed


I have also scheduled the rollup to run nightly if a child record was deleted for some reason.


  • Multiple use cases when you want to display the first or last of something on the main contact page (or any other parent page), helps with ease of reporting and having some check and balances as well as adding guardrails into automation or new record creation, etc

Contributed By Heath Parks, North Peak Solutions

Contact: List of Years Engaged in Programs


Rollup that displays the calendar year(s) in which a person engaged in services. For organizations that offer long term programs, people often engage and disengage, so this rollup shows in which years a person engaged with the services. But this could be applied to any situation where a constituent engages on a yearly basis.

A pre-work for this is to create a custom formula text field on the child object to display the value of the calendar (or fiscal) year from the engagement date field.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object Program_Engagement__c
Relationship Field Member__c (this is the contact lookup)
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) n/a
Relationship Criteria Fields n/a
Field to Aggregate Engagement_Year__c
Order By Field Engagement_Date__c
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_Engagement_Year_s__c
Concatenate Delimiter comma “,” or semicolon “;” to separate the years
Calculation Mode Realtime or Process Bulder
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed for Realtime


You will need a custom text formula to extract the year from the application date or service engagement date on the child object.

You will also need to use the Concatenate Delimiter field and use “,” or “; “ to separate each year.


  • This can be used in any situation where you want to roll up and display multiple text values from a child object.
  • This rollup would work well as a nightly or even weekly scheduled calculation, as well as in realtime.

Contributed By Heath Parks, North Peak Solutions

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Declarative Lookup Roll-Up Summaries is a tool built and maintained by a community of volunteers through the Open Source Commons program. This is not a Salesforce-owned product. If you need support, go to the Trailblazer Community Group.