Students, Scores and Attendance Recipes using Custom Objects

Account: Count of Student Applications This Year


Count the number of student applications to a college this year. Assuming a student can or does only submit one application, this can also be considered the count of students who applied. There was no need for this to be realtime, especially due to the potential for a negative (slight) performance impact if it was.

Objects, Fields, Relationships

Field Value
Parent Object Account
Child Object CollegeApp__c
Relationship Field AccountId
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) Year_of_Application_Date__c = N_Fiscal_Years_Ago AND IsApplied__c = true
Relationship Criteria Fields Year_of_Application_Date__c N_Fiscal_Years_Ago IsApplied__c
Field to Aggregate Id
Field to Order By n/a
Aggregate Operation COUNT
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_Applications_This_Year__c
Calculation Mode Scheduled
Schedule vs Child Trigger Deploy the Child Trigger, and also set using the DLRS scheduler to recalculate monthly (to keep the relative date up-to-date)


No special preparation required. N_Fiscal_Years_Ago is a formula field that displays the current fiscal year.


  • Additional versions of this roll-up can be configured to show a count of applications last year, two years ago, etc.

Contributed By Michael Kolodner, LLC for client: The Academy Group

Contact: Current Traction Rec Membership Type


Rolls up the Type of the current membership to the contact for easy access. This is a part of a managed package called Traction Rec.

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object TREX1__Membership__c
Relationship Field TREX1__Contact__c
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) RecordTypeId = '012f4000000DdFgAAK' AND TREX1__Status__c IN ('Active', 'Pending Active', 'Pending Withdrawal', 'Pending Transfer')
Relationship Criteria Fields RecordTypeId, TREX1__Status__c
Field to Aggregate TREX1__Type__c
Order By Field TREX1__Start_Date__c
Aggregate Result Field Current_Membership_Type__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed


  • Membership Start Date (using a MAX operation) & Membership Status (using LAST, sorted by Start Date) are defined in similar ways.

Contributed By John McInnes, Traction Rec, Uncommon Purpose

Contact: Authorized Pickup Contacts


We often need to see a list of key contacts (authorized to pick up students) - in a short field on the student Contact record to review in one place. Using the concatenate operator can list all of this information in one field. The child objects here are part of a managed package called Traction Rec

Field Value
Parent Object Contact
Child Object TREX1__Authorized_Pickup__c
Relationship Field ContactId
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) TREX1__End_Date__c >= Today OR TREX1__End_Date__c = NULL
Relationship Criteria Fields TREX1__End_Date__c
Field to Aggregate Authorized_Pickup_Name__c
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation CONCATENATE
Aggregate Result Field Authorized_Pickups__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed

Contributed By John McInnes, Traction Rec, Uncommon Purpose

Report Card: Calculate Grade Point Average (GPA)


Count all grades and average them to determine Grade Point Average (GPA) for core classes. We only want to calculate the GPA for core academic courses (Math and English).

Objects, Fields, Relationships

The School Report Card custom object has a child object, Grade. The field GPA_Ptsc is a formula that translates a letter grade into points on a 4-point GPA scale (leaving pass/fail grades blank). Grades also have a field Course_Typec that is a picklist to choose English, Math, Art, etc. The field Interim_Final__c tells us if this is a final grade or an interim report.

Field Value
Parent Object School_Report_Card__c
Child Object Grade__c
Relationship Field School_Report_Card__c
Relationship Criteria (SOQL Query) (Course_Type__c = 'Math' OR Course_Type__c = 'English') AND Interim_Final__c = 'Final' AND GPA_Pts__c != null
Relationship Criteria Fields Course_Type__c, Interim_Final__c, GPA_Pts__c
Field to Aggregate GPA_Pts__c
Order By Field n/a
Aggregate Operation AVERAGE
Aggregate Result Field DLRS_CoreGPA__c
Calculation Mode Realtime
Schedule vs Child Trigger Child Trigger deployed.

Contributed By Michael Kolodner,

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Declarative Lookup Roll-Up Summaries is a tool built and maintained by a community of volunteers through the Open Source Commons program. This is not a Salesforce-owned product. If you need support, go to the Trailblazer Community Group.