Event Overview

Image Gallery - Photos by Luci Valentine Photography

The Community Sprint, attended by 94 in-person and virtual Sprinters, was a first of its kind event for the Commons Community. It embraced a truly hybrid model; that is, it facilitated real-time participation from every attendee, rather than just adding a digital component to an in-person event. Read the blog!

Project Team Report Backs

Scroll down to see which projects participated in the Sprint, what they worked on and what are the next steps for future volunteers.

App Advice & Consumer Reports

This is a legacy Community sourced list of commonly used Salesforce Apps by the Salesforce.org community that needed a revamp! The App Advice and Consumer Reports group in the Trailblazer Community (formerly from the Power of Us Hub) is 100% community created and maintained.

What was worked on?

  • GitHub Repo for more info.
  • Kicked off the project revamp with an audit. Each team member chose a topic and opened the can of worms that is very out-of-date research.
  • Updated Trailblazer Community; Migrated Google Sheet #1 to Quip for easier sharing outside Salesforce.

    Next Steps

  • Keep the project going at upcoming Sprint events, and continue posting and collaborating in the Trailblazer Community. This is a very important activity for the community and we’d really love to see this topic being included in the agenda for every sprint!

Common Data Models

Project spun up at our Dreamforce event in September 2022 to focus on how the community can use the power of the Salesforce platform to provide consistency for data models that are commonly implemented in the Nonprofit and Education spaces to avoid duplicate work and promote collaboration and best practices. Admins often solve the same use cases over and over again. But, not always with best procedures and scalability in mind. What if there were a library of common use cases built on NPSP available for Admins to review, learn from, model their work based on, or install and customize? That’s what Common Data Modules do!

What was worked on?

  • GitHub Repo for more info.
  • Defined the Purpose & Intended Use, and Identified a Proof of Concepts.
  • Landed on creating an example CDM focusing on ‘applications’ functionality. Began building out GitHub. Brainstormed strategies for building greater interest and participation in CDM efforts

    Next Steps

  • Establish Development Procedures to Build our Proof of Concept & Build ERD.
  • Meet Monthly, Build Resources, Build a Proof of Concept, Advocate and Build Awareness.

DEI Framework

The DEI Framework project is focused on increasing the diversity, equality and inclusion in the Community Sprint ecosystem.

What was worked on?

  • Lots of great feedback on readability of report charts. Added labels to make the data more accessible!
  • Added context to the report introduction and methods sections.
  • Fantastic discussion about the Eco-wide Coalition resources, Survey Goals , DEI Resources with all attendees.
  • We had such a rich deep conversation with lots of great fresh perspective from our new Sprinters! Thank you to everyone who joined our project today: Akash, Winni, Michela, Avash, Erika, and Charise.

    Next Steps

  • Finalize report. We have a task list in our DEI slack channel.
  • Delve more into outreach efforts as well as the design/marketing of the report.


This team started at our Dreamforce Sprint in September 2022, and is focused on creating recipes to help beginner admins get up to speed on Flow by creating basic building blocks that Admins can then customize for their own Nonprofit or Education processes.

What was worked on?

  • Awesome discussion on the ins and outs of Flow; get our backlog in order; talk about where we all are in the world.
  • Template for documenting the flows in JTD; annotating the screen grabs for easy follow along.

    Next Steps

  • Work on recipes; get in to the docs on GH; set up todos for the next sprint; think about publicity.
  • Host a Mini-Sprint to keep things going, tidy up the documentation; ask for wider community input.

Grants Content Kit

Impact Labs Product Manager Stephanie Zeitz is leading this project to engage the community on the newly released Grant Content Kit. GCK provides a Salesforce package to enable organizations to more quickly apply for funding

What was worked on?

  • We identified a flow for an overview video we want to create.
  • Discussed some name changes and started to work on recipes to document to allow for organizations to expand the solution.

    Next Steps

  • Build out a script for the video and work internally to try to recruit a team to help make it a reality (or work with the video team!).
  • Update the solution with suggested name changes and continue to build out documentation to improve the user experience.

Grassroots Mobile Survey App

GRMS provides offline field survey capacity to global nonprofits using Salesforce, and includes iOS and Android mobile apps to collect data with or without an internet connection.

What was worked on?

  • Contributors installed the app following directions and logging issues, and did copy editing on the install instructions.
  • Got a crash course on Android Emulators and had our emulators up and working. Everyone was able to get into a GRMS org and have a working mobile app.
  • We have 3 pages of feedback to incorporate to immprove our documentation, new sample flow ideas, and feedback for marketing.

    Next Steps

  • Analyze results from our roadmap prioritization voting.
  • Incorporate all the documentation feedback, do new sample flows for the wiki, create a better short demo/marketing video.

Membership Schema

Project focused on building a schema for memberships, renewals, payments, multiple members, families, benefits, etc, for Nonprofits using Salesforce.

What was worked on?

  • Worked on reducing the barrier to entry use this product with two goals in mind - 1)recruiting more people to test this model against use cases and loading data aginst it 2)generating momentum towards an installable package.
  • We cleaned up the repository, moved the data model to a LucidChart diagram with both a NPSP model and a non-NPSP model, and agreed on some work flow rules to make the repository more useful for new project members in future.
  • Wrote an MVP Use Cases document, started Apex work on membership expiration checker

    Next Steps

  • We will be meeting monthly going forward and will schedule the first meeting shortly.
  • Fine-tune the Use Cases doc, finalize the requirements, sync the progress tracker with the work done.

Nonprofit Salesforce How-to-Series

Commons project team who since 2016 have been producing short, digestible how-to videos from Nonprofit Cloud documentation to share with the community.

What was worked on?

  • Recruting new team members to join regular calls.
  • Started four new video scripts, and have six ready for committee review.
  • Recorded three audio tracks for upcoming videos.
  • Identified about 20 potential new scripts based on new features and documents
  • Identified 5 potential projects for sprints that would make great videos.

    Next Steps

  • Update GitHub project board and backlog.
  • Review scripts and prep for screencapture & editing.

Outbound Funds Module Community Team

Outbound Funds Module is a community-inspired and created Salesforce for Nonprofits product originally developed within the Commons Program that is a foundational solution for foundations and nonprofits who disburse awards and grants to track their funding programs and requests, gain insight on financial commitments and manage disbursements. The original community team, led by Shari Carlson, continues to contribute in partnership with Salesforce.org.

What was worked on?

  • Documented 2 automation recipes. 1. assign Requirements based on Funding Program and 2. assign Funding Request Roles based on Funding Programs.
  • Created Flow Documentation Template
  • Wrote Industry, Scholarship, and CDFI Use Cases.

    Next Steps

    1. Update Wiki on OFM sprint page
  • Create pages site
  • Set up follow up item in project in GItHub

Salesforce Indicators App

Jodie Miners is leading this new project to continue building out an open source Lightning Web Component, Salesforce Inicators she’s contributing to the community to highlight key indicators on a Salesforce record.

What was worked on?

  • Helped get four new volunteers set up on VSCode.
  • Built the Wiki structure, and added new template pages for recipes and reviews.
  • Wrote two recipies, and documentation.
  • Tim finished a bunch of code and it’s ready to test, with a few surprise features too!

    Next Steps

  • Continue coding and dorcumenting.
  • Focus on how to “pitch” this component to people as it’s a bit of a job to explain.

Scholarship Tracking

New project which surfaced at the Dreamforce Sprint held in September 2022. This new team is working on a solution to help students be able to easily connect to scholarships and grants that meet their qualifying criteria.

What was worked on?

  • Created an ERD, early phase process plan, and identified two main buckets for our project as: 1) scholarship tracking for students and 2) community sourcing for scholarship opportunities.
  • Merged our two buckets of scholarship tracking and community sourcing into one solution, dentified a roadmap, and wrote a blueprint doc of: MVP, outstanding questions, potential ideas, and next steps.

    Next Steps

  • Our blueprint document has set the next group of sprinters up for success to begin building a POC within sandbox.

Sprinty’s Community Resources

Project focused on enabling non-profit organizations to do more with their Salesforce technology by offering nonprofit staff and consultants an easy, searchable repository of our community’s best tips, resources, and use cases. Learn more!, and check out the WIP site!

What was worked on?

  • Wrote paragraphs for Experience Site & Initial Curation Discussion.
  • Added content to our wiki home page and notes from our previous sprints, made significant progress on the curation process, and polished up the site so that the resources look amazing!

    Next Steps

  • Finish tweaks to our curation and submission flows, a few branding/UI things (page layouts, etc)
  • We are looking forward to a hard launch of Sprinty’s Community Resources in January and will likely have one working session in December to finish up the next steps needed for that launch. Get ready - it’s going to be grand!

Summit Events App

The Summit Events App (SEA) provides event management functionality to Nonprofits and Schools.

What was worked on?

  • Market Overview and Marketing Planning - aka Self Reflection.
  • Started a Roadmap and prioritized future needs that’ll support adoption and overall needed functionality.
  • Started updating V2MOM to capture where the project is now and where it’s going.

    Next Steps

  • Finish updating the V2MOM and share the roadmap more broadly.
  • Take action on Marketing opportunities.
  • The core team is going spend time busting bugs and getting an updated package out there.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Project to help students and institutions search for course and credit transfer equivalency between schools.

What was worked on?

  • Moved latest config from Transfer Credit Nov (dev org) to Transfer Credit backup org (dev org)
  • Drafted new Read Me, Wiki Header, and documentation
  • Extended the architecture and made updates based on actual use cases
  • Updated Screen Flow on Contact to align with revised architecture; Screen Flow allows a user to Search for an Education Institution Account, search for/select a Course at that Education Institution; detail the Course taken with Course Name, Number, Letter Grade, Credit Units, Credit Unit Type, and Completion Date; and display the Equivalency, if one exists, in the recipient Education Institution
  • Took screenshots for the documentation

    Next Steps

  • Complete the Flow to allow creation of an Account for schools not found and Courses for courses not found at a contributing school

We hope to see you at the next Sprint event!

Stay in the loop on when we’re hosting our next event by joining the Salesforce.org Commons Community group on the Trailblazer Community.